Cylinder Recertification Marking
Requalification Marks may only be applied by valid U.S. Department of Transportation RIN (Requalifier Identification Number) or VIN (Visual Identification Number) holders.
Propane cylinders must be requalified or replaced every 5 or 10 years depending on the cylinder type, condition, and previous requalification method. (Ref 49 CFR 180.205(d) and 180.209 (e)
Cylinder marking layout for a Rin A123, with the Month, Year
05 24
Variations from the marking requirements may be permitted upon written request to, and approval from, PHMSA. Stamping must be in accordance with the location requirements of the cylinder specification. Date of previous tests must not be obliterated.
(Source: DOT Testing, Inspection and Marking Requirements for Cylinders; OMB Control No. 2137-0022)
Cylinder marking stamps available for both 3/8” and 1/2” Drive Air Hammers